As the Left used to say, “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.”

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Very comforting the SS will be guarding it!

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The Secret Service will oversee security unless the agents are breastfeeding.

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Sounds like a 'mostly peaceful' demonstration will be met with massive police response. Which will be a shock to the Left that as gotten used to the police NOT enforcing laws when it suited the purposes of the Democratic Party. Its either crushing police force or having an insurrection. Of course this assumes the defunded police are willing to risk life & limb and Chicago has enough jail cells to hold the mass arrests. If not.....then Kamala & Tim will be trying to fly without their Left wing. Seriously, wouldn't the Democratic Party have been better off to let Kennedy run in the Democratic Primaries?

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1. If I were a Chicago cop, I'd keep as far away from these "peaceful protesters" as possible.

2. Yes, they should have let RFK Jr run in the primaries. Then he'd have won and the Party wouldn't need to worry about Kama-Chameleon.

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“the Secret Service will oversee security inside the convention grounds.”

Excellent news. At least no one inside will be shot. Probably.

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Relax. The media will make sure no cameras are pointed at the undesirables. If they don't record or report on it, it never happened.

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‘We recognize the Democratic Party as a tool of billionaires and corporations,” the coalition statement begins.

Well, that's true. The Democrat Party is the real "one percenters."

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Hmmm, has Brandon “Panic Attacks” Johnson finally grown a pair, or has he been bigfooted by the feds?

In any case, one good thing that can come of the protests is the exposure of the islamacists. They are among us, they seek to destroy us, and no amount of CNN-MSNBC spin can change that.

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Wow, NOW the Dems decided they like law and order....

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...and the chickens will now come home to roost. Pass the popcorn!

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