“To pander to those who have no stomach for straight language, and insist upon bland, non-controversial sauces is a waste of time.” Was there a time when being so blunt would've been too shocking for the culture? It seems like euphemisms have been employed for decades in order to take ground by the inch. With the Leftists in control of almost all of our institutions, I wonder if we're now at a point where such blunt language can be openly said without serious objection and they can take ground by the yard.

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An Alinsky acolyte once proclaimed he would fundamentally transform the USA. And then set about to follow R4R and do it. Riff on Pete Seeger: “Where have all the backbones gone?”

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So basically, it doesn’t matter if Trump wins the election or not. There will still be chaos in the streets. Although I’m sure the Democrats political machine will relish the post election violence if Orangeman wins. Unfortunately, 30% of the US will be on the protesters side, for the wrong reasons.

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This is all just a dress rehearsal for what will begin on November 6th and reach a peak in the days leading up to and after January 20th when President Trump is re-inaugurated.

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