
This may get me on the big bad list at the bureau, but the FBI is a highly politicized investigatory organization that's a genuine danger to the Republic. It's not a neutral, law enforcement agency.

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Indeed it’s looking likely DNC 24 will be a reprise of 68, with all of its ugliness.

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Amazing that, while the FBI is tracking hundreds of aimless J-6 wanderers with facial recognition sortware, the police can't seem to encircle a relatively small but violent demonstration and capture the participants. God forbid that a close look might reveal repeat offenders

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These pro-terrorist demonstrators fetishize the Hamas death-cult like those women who did the same with "Nightstalker" Ramirez, Bin Laden, and Tsaernov. I don't get it.

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Lock em all up.

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No. Let them turn DNC 2024 into DNC 1968 on steroids. Then deport all you can and lock up the rest.

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Works for me.

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